Welcome to Hai-Yin Chang's website.

Here you can find out everything you need to know about courses and services that you can book with me online or offline.

I am currently offering the following courses / services:

Yoga courses


  • Private appointments (also home visits by appointment)
  • Company massages

Magnified Healing®

  • Healing sessions
  • Energetic treatments

Akasha Chronic readings

  • Readings from 60-90 minutes
  • Phone or Zoom calls

Let's be thankful and discover new possibilities together and follow the path of self healing.

Hear and now


Magnified Healing®

What is Magnified Healing?

Magnified Healing was popularized in Asia by Master Quan Yin. She is considered the female Buddha and is also called Lady Quan Yin. Lady Quan Yin is the goddess of mercy, compassion and healing. She is a member of the Karmic Council and in charge of the Temple of Mercy in China.

The Magnified Healing Energy is an energy of the 5th dimension. She is the river of supreme divine source on earth. It describes the flow of energy between the heart and all chakras. This energy integrates your own development of consciousness and a bond of deepest grace. All spiritual centers and the light channel are activated.

This cosmic energy of divine source accompanies the path to the ascension process. It transforms on all levels.

Magnified Healing is constantly evolving. As we practice Magnified Healing, we discover new things every day and get access, another vibration, to our perfect unconditional love. A love without judgment and expectations. As we progress in our unfoldment, we gain new tools. Through the company of a Master of Light we gain new knowledge and wisdom, thereby accelerating our ascension process.

How does a treatment work?

1. The Reinforcement of the Nervous System (Sensitize/Awaken):
This gentle treatment directs and controls nerve energy, harmonizes and directs the body medians of the body. At the same time, it supports the balancing and centering of the mind.

2. Examination/healing of the body:
This treatment stimulates calcium production and helps distribute calcium throughout the spine. Calcium helps maintain spinal mobility and promotes health and strength.

3. Healing of Karma:
Through the expansion of the triple flame and the building of the light body. One works here on the heart chakra, since karma is a result of a lack of love. Karma is not about justice but about learning. Karma is not assigned but affected by our choices. Karma is not created by others but by ourselves. It's about making an impact by changing thought patterns.

4. Activation of DNA strands:
By activating all strands of DNA and the five higher bodies.

The spiritual healing techniques are not suitable for diagnosis or for prescribing/prescribing in a medical sense. The spiritual healing methods are intended to activate and strengthen the self-healing powers and are in no way a substitute for your own inner guidance, the advice of a doctor or alternative practitioner.
There is no claim that only spiritual healing can help a person.

Informations regarding prices and duration of each treatment.


Practicing Yoga means, to dedicate oneself to body and mind and combining each other. It also healps to build up more self confidence and concentration. Beside of this yoga is a beautiful way to escape from our stressful daily life for at least a moment.

Informations regarding prices and duration of each lesson.


My treatments are based on the traditional thai massage, and the energy lines " meridians" of the human body. The oil massage is stimulating and simultaneously pleasant, to release the blockade and the pain. To archive this, I am using the Tok-sen, an old traditional treatment of the north thai mountain tribe called "Lanna". With the use of a wooden mallet and gouge it is possible to clean the meridians and help the "Chi" to flow again.

During my treatment I use a light oil that is massaged into the body. With my sensitivity, I recognize how deep the blockages are in the customer's body. The massage technique is perceived by each customer with different intensity and I adapt it individually for each customer.

Informations regarding prices and duration of each treatment.

Akasha Chronic Readings according to AKASHA Life® by Ute Fuhrmann

What are Akasha Chronic Readings?

"Akasha" comes from Sanskrit and means "ether" or heavenly yarn, which refers to a subtle level of the universe. Also often referred to as a universal database or library of life. Here all events, images, thoughts, words, emotions and intentions of all living things people, animals, plants and places in the past, present and future are stored.

A pilgrim's path for my soul.

In the middle of the year 2022 my inner voice told me 'Clean up your soul garden!'. Things were not easy for me in 2021-2022. One topic after the other encouraged my fears and forced me to clean up even deeper. That's why I started looking again and I was wondering who offers workshops on this and where can these be visited. Small coincidences led me to Ute Fuhrmanns website. “Reading the Akasha Chronic”? It came for me then out of the question of learning this lighting tool. Today I can say, I am even more thanks to this beautiful lighting tool grown, gained even deeper self-knowledge. Through readings in which I learn more about my life tasks or karma challenges. From karma connections or deep emotional patterns influencing the healing processes and supporting it.

My soul path is one sensitive process. You recognize unconscious blockages. Is it that one? Orientation or my soul plan? I serve as a channel. I convey the messages from the Akasha level. As a vibration field of Akasha energy is love and everything you experiences stored there in your life book. I will accompany you with your topics. Together we take the steps and find the solutions that you have been looking for for so long.

We become energetically connected and ask the spiritual world for support. I offer phone calls or Zoom conversations where we find out together:

Informations regarding prices and duration of each treatment.

About me

My name is Hai-Yin Chang. I was born and raised in Taiwan, Taipeh before I came to germany in the age of 20.
I offer yoga classes und massage treatments.

I discovered my passion for yoga when I participated at a massage camp in Thailand. There I learned the techniques and philosophie of Hatha-Yoga in daily lessons under the guidance of experienced yoga teachers. During this time in Thailand I was also able to learn the skills of Thai massage. Since many years I had a fealing to have this inner strength which enables me to help other people and to release them from pain.



  • 2006 Visit of the Power Yoga Workshops
  • 2010 Beginning of Ashtanga Vinyasa with Patrick Honner.
  • 2011 Travel to Mysore, India learning Ashtanga Vinyasa with Sri Sheshadri.
  • 2012 Second travel to Mysore, India and in depth studies of Ashtanga Vinyasa with Sri Sheshadri.
  • 2012 Teacher training in Hatha-Yoga with Yoga Vidya Gurukul University in Nasik,India.
  • 2012 Learning of Prana Vashya Yoga with Vinay Kumar.
  • 2012 Visiting the Vipasana Retreat in Wat Ram Poeng, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  • 2013 Tacher training for Prana Vashya Yoga with Vinay Kumar.
  • 2019 Training to become a Mantra Yoga teacher. Intensive week with Sundaram at Yoga Vidya.
  • 2019 Yin Yoga Training Module 1 to 3 with Stefanie Arend.



  • 2015 Reiki 1st degree with Angelika Bayer.
  • 2017 Schaman group by Satyadevi bretz at Yoga Vidya.
  • 2018 Reiki 2nd degree with Angelika Bayer.
  • 2018 Schaman Group by Satyadevi Bretz at Yoga Vidya.
  • 2018 Hellfühl training with Satyadevi Bretz at Yoga Vidya.
  • 2019 Magnified Healing with Anna Maria Simmer.
  • 2019 Aufstiegs-Seminar at Miriam Lumina Scholl.
  • 2020 Mantra year group at Sundaram.
  • 2021/22 Health coach JG 13 at Peter Klein.
  • 2023 Akasha Chronic education Level 1 and 2 at Ute Fuhrmann.
  • 2024 Akasha Chronic education Level 3 with certificate as "VISIONSCOACH und MASTER MIND-Readerin" at Ute Fuhrmann.

I keep visiting yoga workshops on a regular base since 2014, trying to develop my skills.



Classes/treatments Duration Price
Yoga privat 90 minutes 75€ (max 2 persons)
Yoga business On request
Massage 60 60 minutes 65€ (each person)
Massage 90 90 minutes 85€ (each person)
Magnified Healing® 30 minutes preliminary talk
30 minutes treatment
Magnified Healing®
distant healing
30 minutes 55€
Breathe freely 75 minutes 85€
Akasha Chronic Reading 60 minutes
90 minutes


If there are any questions regarding my classes/treatments, or if you would like to make a reservation don`t hesitate to contact me quick and easy with the contact form below.
You can also reach me by phone or mail.